Tuna fish remix

So sometimes, I make kits for lunch. Because somethings cant be put together until you eat them to avoid, soggy, stale or just plain weirdness. Today I made tuna kits for CJ and I.
Tuna Fish Remix Kit:
Tupperware #1: Tuna, chopped onions, chopped cucumbers, black pepper, small dollop of mayo (small people, this isnt tuna soup)
Tupperware #2: Slices of tomato, cucumber and onion
Tupperware #3: Mixure of balsamic vinegar, olive oil and kosher salt
Small baggie: 2 slices whole grain bread

Directions--> When you are ready to eat place tuna on bread. Add balsamic mix to tomatoes and cukes and shake.

Perfect Lunch.

This moring we did egg sandwiches with ezekiel english muffins pepperjack cheese and fried tomatoes.

I had a snack of sliced bananas and peanut butter, which is super filling by the way.

I went to the gym this afternoon and kicked butt on the eliptical doing 2 1/5 miles (thats huge for me!) at an avg heart rate of 155. Go me.
PS. the scale has not moved but I am not detered.


  1. YES! SOMEONE ELSE UNDERSTANDS! That is the ONLY way to pack a good lunch. Period.


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