Trying to Be Better

So I want to start off by saying that I am not a religious person in the conventional sort of way. I was born and raised catholic but I don't practice. I believe in the universe and a higher power but above all else I believe in humanity. I believe that we need to be good to each other. My inspiration for may think that I am crazy but it's the Duggers from 19 kids and counting. 

I am not looking to spark some kind of mad conversation about religion or the show being fake or whatever other negative things some might say. I want to talk about how some of the show's values has taught me to be a better person. I never in my wildest dreams thought a reality tv show would do that. 

I know that the Duggars are baptist and I respect their convictions. I see that they have have fellowship with other like minded families and I think "I wish I could find other like minded folks where religion isn't center stage - kindness is ".

So here are some of the highlights that I have taken away from this show. These are ideas I now treat very seriously in my life:

1. Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate. 
2. Slow to anger

3. Listen. No, really listen. 

4. Buy used and save the difference

Along the way I have added a few more to that list, not from the show but from various other places:

5. Live with less / repurpose what you already have

6. Find the lesson in every setback / disappointment / struggle. That moment is trying to teach you something

7. Make time to do nothing. (this is my favorite and most important rule) 

What are some of your words to live by ?


  1. Rule # 7 is one I constantly struggle with. 12 years ago when I entered sobriety I discovered that I was never at peace with myself. I was not comfortable being alone with my own self. I made progress when I went to Hawaii. I learned to just sit and enjoy my surroundings. It is hard to grasp the concept that it is okay to simply do nothing.


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