Inspired Tacos and Some Life Editing

I am constantly reading food blogs for ideas. There are times when I make the exact recipe and other times, I use the recipe as inspiration. That was the case with Thursday nights dinner. I took my inspiration from Naturally Ella's Spiced Black Bean Grilled Avocado and Goat Cheese Tacos. Check it out, it looks delish.

So with that amazing recipe in mind I think - "What do I have in my kitchen that could make something similar?"
In my kitchen:
Corn tortillas
Re-fried beans

I know that avocado goes well with Gorgonzola but do they go well with re-fried beans? Back to Google I go to see if anyone else has paired these two ingredients together. Right away I get combination gold at Reesha's Eats: Black-Bean-Gorgonzola Bruschetta. Sweet, now I know that I can happily pair these items up.
Now to the kitchen to begin my applied kitchen science.

  • Re-fried Bean Avocado Shrimp Tacos


    • - 1/4 Pound Shrimp (12 -14 pieces)
    • - 1 Avocado
    • - 8oz Re-fried Beans (half a can)
    • - 4 Corn or Flour Tortillas
    • - 1/4 cup Gorgonzola
    • - 1/4 tsp cumin
    • - 1/8 tsp chili powder
    • - Juice and zest from half a lime
    • - 2 teaspoons of honey
    • - 1 tsp of olive oil
    • - Salt to taste
  • Instructions 

    Preheat your grill
    1. In small bowl combine the re-fried beans, 1/4 tsp cumin and a dash of salt.
    2. Heat the re-fried beans in the microwave till warm throughout , set aside
    3. If preferred grill tortillas on the oven over the racks to create a soft taco shape (not required)
    4. Cut the avocado in half and brush olive oil on. Please on grill and cook till slightly charred. Carefully slice and remove skin.
    5. Cook shrimp on the grill, add a sprinkle of chili power, salt and lime juice to taste.
    6. To Assemble Tacos: Layer with re-fried beans, avocado slices then shrimp. Add the Gorgonzola. Finally, whisk together juice and zest from half a lime along with honey. Lightly drizzle over taco filling.

Making Taco Shells from Flat Tortillas

In a continued effort to simplify our lives, CJ and I are constantly looking over what we need and what we can sell or donate. This week on the chopping block we sold a pair of work boots that CJ only wore once. We found a couple of other electronic type things that I don't think I can sell (an old router and scanner) so I think I will be dropping it off at the good will. And last but not least, ALL my Wii stuff.

Farewell My Wii
Yes, after not playing anything on the Wii for almost a year, its time to give it up. I think I held on to it for so long because I secretly thought I would become a gamer. Now the only games I play are on my iPad ( Like Fruit Ninja) so it was time.


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